Broken Cogs by S L Koch is about a salesmen, Harrison, who
finds his friends mysteriously dying. The more friends that die the more
promotions for Harrison and his secretary. Coincidence or maybe is the
statement, 'you can never escape your past' coming into play? That's for you to
find out in this gruesome tale of murder and love. I would like to share more
of the story, but that would take away from the fun of reading the book.
When I first read the author's description of the book, I
was taken back a little. I was not sure that I wanted to read the book. Based
on the description the book appeared to be more horrific than expected. I
decided I was up for the challenge. Don't get me wrong, the book does have some
gruesome parts in it, that you need to have a strong stomach to read. It also, has some NC 17 parts as well.
I am, also, not a huge fan of love stories intermixed with
murder mysteries. I often times find that the love story over powers the mystery.
I was pleasantly surprised, that the love story was subtle and relevant to the
I found myself struggling a bit to get past the first 20
pages of the book. Once I reached page 30, I did not want to put the book down.
I found myself chuckling, cringing at the victim's pain and the hair on the
back of my neck standing throughout different intervals of the book.
S L Koch, is wonderful at using subtle foreboding hints. He
also uses metaphors in a manner that is not overdone. Generally, each chapter,
leaves you with a little or large cliff hanger to entice you to keep turning
the pages.
I am looking forward to reading more books by S L Koch. Keep
an eye out for more of his books on my blog.